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Intravascular lithotripsy (IVL) has emerged as a vessel preparation device for heavily calcified arteries during endovascular therapies.8 IVL utilizes multiple emitters mounted on a traditional angioplasty balloon catheter to deliver pulsatile acoustic pressure energy. This approach facilitates the fracture of superficial and deep calcium without compromising local soft tissues and minimizes the risk of emboli liberation.9 In this manuscript, the authors provide a comprehensive review of the role of IVL as an adjunct to endovascular revascularization in the treatment of PAD.


Dr Pliagas discusses his retrospective study, recently published in JCLI, in which he and his co-investigators sought to demonstrate safety and performance of the Terumo Glidesheath Slender for tibiopedal access. Initially, tibiopedal access was considered a very experimental technique, but over the past few years, Dr Pliagas and his colleagues have learned to routinely gain access to vessels from below, using this technique.


Drs Driver and Neville discuss the crucial component of podiatry in the multidisciplinary treatment of CLTI.


Dr John H Rundback discusses his recent JCLI article, "Patterns of Failure in Deep Venous Arterialization and Implications for Management."


Daniel Clair, MD, Chair of Vascular Surgery from Vanderbilt University Medical Center discusses a number of interesting findings discovered during the BEST CLI trial.


Study co-author George Adams, MD, offers further insight into the topic in the video commentary below.